Actions and Achievements

Mayor Shirley Maike provided competent, trusted leadership during her first term:

  • Maintained existing water and sewer rates with no increase in fees.

  • Annexed into Spokane County Fire District 3 providing full time career firefighters to perform fire and EMS services for the City.

  • Supported naming Highway 902 the Gold Star Highway in honor of our military families.

  • Negotiated the employee union contract that met the City’s and the employees’ needs

  • Obtained over $1.2 million in Transportation Improvement Board grant funding for various street projects throughout the City.

  • Obtained a Census 2020 grant to ensure as many of our residents as possible were represented in the 2020 Census.  Medical Lake’s self-response rate was 64.8%.

  • Completed the construction of the City of Spokane water intertie which will provide the City water in the event of an emergency. 

  • Disbursed $212,890 CARES Act grants to businesses, residents, the Medical Lake Food Bank Association and Medical Lake Outreach.

  • Met State Auditor requirements for the City’s financial record keeping.


Mayor Shirley Maike, City of Medical Lake