Actions and Achievements
Mayor Shirley Maike provided competent, trusted leadership during her first term:
Maintained existing water and sewer rates with no increase in fees.
Annexed into Spokane County Fire District 3 providing full time career firefighters to perform fire and EMS services for the City.
Supported naming Highway 902 the Gold Star Highway in honor of our military families.
Negotiated the employee union contract that met the City’s and the employees’ needs
Obtained over $1.2 million in Transportation Improvement Board grant funding for various street projects throughout the City.
Obtained a Census 2020 grant to ensure as many of our residents as possible were represented in the 2020 Census. Medical Lake’s self-response rate was 64.8%.
Completed the construction of the City of Spokane water intertie which will provide the City water in the event of an emergency.
Disbursed $212,890 CARES Act grants to businesses, residents, the Medical Lake Food Bank Association and Medical Lake Outreach.
Met State Auditor requirements for the City’s financial record keeping.
Mayor Shirley Maike, City of Medical Lake